"...Inspiré d'une histoire vraie, "Le Professeur de violon" est à forte connotation sociale, tout en jouant beaucoup de l'émotion entre un musicien prodige et un groupe de petits délinquants, en reconversion dans la plus grande favela de São Paulo..."
The movie tells the story of Laerte, a talented violinist who after failing to be admitted into the OSESP Orchestra is forced to give music classes to teenagers in a public school at Heliopolis. His path is full of difficulties, but the transforming power of music and the friendship arising between the teacher and the students open the door into a new world. Inspired by the true story of Brazilian maestro Silvio Bacarelli.
Category : Movies
Themes & Collections :
inspired by real facts
| social inequalities
| Favela
| são paulo
| music
| festival du cinéma brésilien de paris
Genre :
Video quality : Excellent HD
Runtime : 01:40 Audience : All audiences
Maturity Ratings : 14
Available in : OV with French subtitles